Chris Zetter

My cookbook

There are so many recipes on the web, all competing for keywords. When I find one that I like, and is easy to follow, and uses ingredients that are easy to come by, AND doesn’t measure butter by volume, I want to make sure I save it.

When I gave writing weeknotes a go this year, I liked having a place that I could record and make notes on the the recipes I had made. After I stopped writing weeknotes I wanted for another way I could do this.

I have started to collect recipes in my cookbook. Everything in there comes highly recommended with a five-star/‘I would make this again!’ rating.

The cookbook itself made up of jekyll posts - metadata about the recipes are stored as YAML, and my comments are in markdown. So that I don’t need to fear that my favourite cookie recipe might be lost forever, I made a script that makes a local copy of all the recipes I link to.


I'm writing a step-by-step guide to build your own database server. Find out more and get updates.

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